
Monday 18 October 2010

AD105 Virtual Reality Poster Design

AD105 Art and Design Method 1
Virtual Reality Poster
AD105 Virtual Reality Poster created in Adobe InDesign CS3 

Project Reflection

The things I enjoyed about this project was the freedom we had to design our poster for example the range of mixed media and styles we could use such as illustration and photography which made the project a lot more enjoyable. There wasn’t much I didn’t like about AD105 because of the freedom and the time scale we had to complete the project. The main problem I did encounter in this project was my saved files I completed didn’t open as the files became corrupt between my apple imac at home and college. I believe the project as a whole went very well and I was pleased and I acquired news skills, which will help me throughout the year, and these were in adobe InDesign and I also experimented with a range of mixed media. I met the hand in deadline of AD105 as I stuck to my daily timetable and kept up to date with each task in the research and development stage of AD105. I believe the work went well throughout the project and my time scale was correct so that my project met its hand in deadline.

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